Tuesday, October 17, 2006

To blonde or not to blonde…

My dear blondes, are you tired of hearing blonde remarks?
Let’s do something about it.
Are men just trying to make themselves feel better by alluding to their superiority with blonde references? Should we come up with “brunette” jokes? “Look at him, he is such a brunette” or “it’s a brunette thing”. Do we even need to drop to this level? We are confident enough not to.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not an extreme feminist. I still like being treated like a woman; having a door opened for me and being allowed to walk through first. It seems like a very natural thing to me.
But let me explain myself with an example:
A couple of years ago as I was driving along a busy, well-known local highway, my mind was extremely preoccupied with my new job (I’m in the IT field, in a high-profile corporation. Needless to say, my position carries a lot of responsibility.).
After stopping at a rest area, I got back on the road and realized that I was not sure if I was traveling in the right direction anymore.
Let me digress a little bit. There has been a study performed at one American university that showed that people with high levels of progesterone (female hormones) are less likely to have a good sense of direction. After reading this article I said to my mother, “Congratulations, we both are not just females, but very much women as well”. You get the point.

Let’s get back to my story. I pull over at the nearest gas station and there he was. I mean HE… with a face lacking the slightest spark of intellect, five o’clock shadow (from three days before), a toothpick in the corner of his mouth. His butt crack was completely seen above the waistline of his jeans – I mean, I could even spot hair on this butt – and to complete the picture, he looked sweaty and was definitely greasy.

As I politely asked for directions, he SLOWLY approached the car with a smug smile on his face, leaned towards the window as if he knew everything, and said pointing with his sausage finger at my head “Babe, if you continue with this blonde thing here, next time you’ll not even find your car, and not just South/North”. Shock and a slap in the face is what I felt. The worst part was it was received from a guy who’s IQ is obviously in the low double digits, if not single digits. His tone was so demeaning that the cat’s still got my tongue. He used the fact that I’m blonde as his platform to be condescending… to show his “superiority”.
I’m not saying women are much better than men… just stop labeling us… us “BLONDES”. Otherwise we can pick a fight with you, too… and you might not like it.

Dear men, before you start throwing rotten tomatoes at me, just sit back and think, but be honest with yourself. Do those jokes make you feel even a little bit better knowing there is no one around to hear you say it? And I’ll be as candid as I can. I do find blonde jokes funny, but not when it’s in direct reference to me.
From one of history’s most famous blondes, Marilyn Monroe, “men love blondes”. We make ourselves blonde because we love it. So do you. We do it for you, just as much as we do it for ourselves. Appreciate it, or your world might become surprisingly monogamous. Every time that I’m on my way to get highlights I think, “To blonde or not to blonde.” It’s like marking myself with a big red cross saying “here is the target”. Guys, discard this cliché image, we are intelligent, strong, beautiful women/wives/mothers/daughters, etc. JUST DEAL WITH IT (and love us for who we are).
P.S. This is my first post, and it’s not the biggest issue I have… it seemed the easiest to write about. Now you can tear this post apart and I’ll deal with that. I’m strong.